Forever in My Heart

2011 August 08

Created by Mama 13 years ago
Everything I see reminds me of you. I bought an outfit for baby Bella and I could remember doing the same for you...and seeing you in similar tiny and sweet. I bought her a book and I could remember reading to you and how much you loved reading. I remember the first book you read by yourself at three years old (Counting on Calico). I remember the hunger for learning you had and how much you ALWAYS loved books. I picked out cosmetics for your "tween" cousins and remembered how many times you and I had done the same together. (I heard your voice in my head, telling me which ones you thought the girls would prefer.) I feel you with me all the time. I know you are a part of me, and will be, forever. I have so many memories that are precious and priceless and for that, I feel lucky...I feel priveledged. They are mine. I can share them if I want. I can keep them and guard them for myself. But I have you in my heart. You are a part of me. Nobody can take that away from me. I will feel you with me every step of the way. I will laugh and cry, and you will be right there with me. Forever in my heart.